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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Family Tree Activity Sheets KS1

Family Tree Activity Sheets KS1

Meet Natalie and her family. This resource is a great starter for thinking about Ourselves and our families at KS1. There are 4 activities to complete. Links with Literacy - comprehension, labelling, writing and speaking & listening.
Read and Write Poems for Pancake Day KS1

Read and Write Poems for Pancake Day KS1

A KS1 resource for Pancake Day. There are 2 original poems to share / read and look out for the rhyming words. There is a word bank that shows pairs of rhyming words that children might find useful when writing their own poems. There is a writing template with a colour picture and one without.
David Attenborough Classroom Resource Pack EYFS KS1

David Attenborough Classroom Resource Pack EYFS KS1

A 20 page resource pack for your topics on Explorers and Adventurers, Animals or / and David Attenborough. The resources link to animals and vocabulary used in the book David Attenborough by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. Resources Colour and label the things explorers may take with them on their adventures Jungle borders for writing or drawing in Sea horse borders for writing or drawing in 16 word cards Blank template for you to create more word cards or for drawing in Class bunting outlines - children can make these to decorate your classroom Cut and match the animal pictures and photographs Match 3 animals to their habitats 9 - 15. 7 pages for phonics / handwriting practice based on animals in the book - turtle, gorilla, penguin, chameleon, sea horse, ant and bird A fossil colouring page 17 - 20 3 animals per page for children to write a sentence about
Easter Craft Decorations EYFS

Easter Craft Decorations EYFS

2 crafty ideas for Easter for EYFS. An Easter Wreath and Easter Stick Puppets. There are eggs, a bow and animals to cut out and stick onto the wreath template. There are puppet pictures to cut out, apply to card and stick onto sticks or card strips. Use collage materials for even more effective Easter decorations.
Spring Flowers KS1

Spring Flowers KS1

Here is a colourful slide show to share with your children when learning about Nature, Plants or Spring. There are 5 Spring flowers showing pictures, words and photos. There are activities for children: Drawing, researching, writing about the flowers and finding out their Latin names.
My Senses Activity Cards + Ideas SEN KS1

My Senses Activity Cards + Ideas SEN KS1

A set of resources with a Senses theme suitable for SEND pupils and KS1. Boardmaker symbols are included. Page 1 shows sample resources included. Pages 2/3 - A Sensory Table outline to use with the small cut out colour card collection shown on page 3. Pages 4 -7 are sets of 6 cards related to each of the senses: sound, smell, touch, taste, sight and a set of shape cards included. Cut and laminate the cards and children can use them to indicate what they see, hear, smell, taste or touch. The cards can be cut up and used together with a collection of the relevant objects that are easily accessible. You could use a feely bag, a blindfold or a box with armholes cut out for children to reach inside. The next page is a set of questions to cut out and use. Finally there is a poster to talk about related to the senses. Children could make their own posters. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Let's Go Shopping Activity

Let's Go Shopping Activity

Money from 5p to £3 A fun shopping activity where children work out how much each item costs from its position on the grid and the position of the bags with money tags. There is a sheet for children to record the cost of each item and a sheet for them to record the grid reference of the items. There is also a black and white grid with the shopping items on for children to colour in. Extend by asking differentiated questions such as: How much would it cost for a duck and an apple? Susan purchased 1a and 4d - what did she buy and how much did it cost her?
On the Farm Topic Worksheets EYFS KS1

On the Farm Topic Worksheets EYFS KS1

A resource linking topic work on the Farm to literacy. There are 4 black and white sheets for children to name the animals and things you might find on a farm and label them. The same sheets are duplicated in colour. There are 2 sheets asking children to draw or cut and paste animals or things they might find on the farm.
Spring Story Planning Sheets for KS1

Spring Story Planning Sheets for KS1

These worksheets will inspire your children to write creatively about Spring. Each sheet has the same format but the 6 colour pictures are different on each page. The writing sections include: Who are the characters? The weather and setting Beginning, Middle and End Very useful for SEND children and those who may benefit from the support of a writing frame.
St Patricks Day Bundle

St Patricks Day Bundle

8 Resources
St. Patrick’s Day EYFS & KS1 Resource Bundle Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with this engaging EYFS & KS1 resource bundle! Packed with fun and educational activities, this set includes: Colouring Sheets Activity Pages Cut & Make Cards / Card making ideas Colour, Cut & Match Cards Doodles Writing Frames Animated PPT Ideal for classroom use or home learning, this bundle is a fantastic way to explore the traditions of St. Patrick’s Day while building essential skills!
What Makes Me Happy + What Makes me Sad

What Makes Me Happy + What Makes me Sad

Here are two writing frames for children to record, write or draw what makes them happy and what makes them sad. There are two worked examples to share and talk about with the children showing what makes this pretend child feel happy and sad. Children can write single words depending on their ability level and / or paste in pictures to illustrate their feelings. This is a great way to get to know your new class too.
Autumn Animals Lesson Resources EYFS KS1

Autumn Animals Lesson Resources EYFS KS1

A complete lesson for EYFS or KS1 based on Autumn and animals that are often associated with Autumn. There is a power point to start, with a page on each of the 5 animals represented: red fox, red squirrel, barn owl, hedgehog and badger. Each page shows a photograph of the animal and 6 facts about the animal to discuss. There is then a writing template for each of the animals. Children can recall some of the facts they have heard, write a story or poem about the animal. The final worksheet is a labelling sheet where children match and write the words under the pictures. The can then colour the pictures or they could draw their own.
Design a Robot

Design a Robot

Here are lots of drawings of robots to stimulate children when designing their own robots. There are 8 colour picture ideas included and a colouring robots sheet.
Fireworks Poem and Activity Sheets

Fireworks Poem and Activity Sheets

One to save for Bonfire Night or any Celebrations such as New Year or the 4th of July. Page 1 - share the poem ‘Bang, Crash, Boom’. Link to work on onomatopoeia or sounds. Children can listen out or look for rhyming words and underline them. Page 2 - shows a list of the rhyming words used in the poem. Children can use these or their own words and write pairs of rhyming words in the shapes. Sheet 3 - this is a template for children to write their own poem in. Sheet 4 - a doodle firework colouring sheet.
ME and my Emotions Lesson Plan KS1/SEND

ME and my Emotions Lesson Plan KS1/SEND

A set of resources linked to Feelings, Ourselves and Me. Useful to support children in recognising different feelings and emotions, improving their vocabulary and emotional intelligence. Suitable for KS1 and SEND pupils. Boardmaker symbol licenced. The lesson pack includes: A lesson plan including objectives, activities, resources, assessment and extension ideas. Worksheets 1 to 4 where children have the opportunity to draw emotions, label them and complete sentences to express their emotions.
Superheroes Count to 8 Matching Cards EYFS

Superheroes Count to 8 Matching Cards EYFS

A number activity where children cut and sequence Superhero cards from 1 to 8. They can also match them to the number cards provided or / and paste them into the template. Duplicate, cut and laminate for more matching games. Links nicely to your topic on Superheroes.
Out in Space Resource Pack EYFS and KS1

Out in Space Resource Pack EYFS and KS1

This resource links to your topic on Space, the World, poetry, creative writing and labelling. Page 1 is a colouring sheet showing an astronaut in Space. Page 2 is an original poem to share with your class entitled ‘An encounter with aliens’. Children can talk about the poem and find rhyming words. They can illustrate the poem in the frame provided or use the frame to write their own Space poem. Page 3 provides a choice of 2 other writing or drawing frames. Children can also use the frames for creative writing about Space. Page 4 is a colouring sheet where children write the speech in the speech bubbles. Page 5 and 6 show 10 black and white pictures that children can name, label and colour in. The words for each page are on the bottom of the sheets. Boardmaker licenced.
Talk about and Write about the Weather

Talk about and Write about the Weather

A resource suitable for children who benefit from symbols and visual aids including those learning English language, SEND pupils and KS1. The resource is linked to the weather / Seasons. Sheet 1 asks children to identify the colour weather symbols and complete the sentences e.g On Monday it was sunny / I wear boots when it is rainy. Sheet 2 is the same as sheet 1 in black and white. Sheet 3 has space for children to draw their own weather symbols / pictures and asks them to say / write about their favourite weather. Finally there are 6 colour and 6 black and white weather flashcards to support the learning / lesson. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Something Fishy Sea Creatures

Something Fishy Sea Creatures

6 black and white fictional sea creatures for children to observe, discuss and say what is ‘fishy’ about them. E.g. the octopus has 10 legs! Page 2 is a drawing and writing sheet. Children can design their own strange sea creature and write a short story about it.